n feel happiest when they can plan ahead and
prepare for events.
n be
rather more organized and orderly in their lives than many people.
n value method, structure, and the ability to
take decisions.
n try
to fit the world into pre-arranged plans or “pigeon-holes.”
n prefer to feel in control of people and
n cope easily with routine and systems, and be
generally careful with timescales and deadlines.
n have personal views on many matters which
they share quite openly.
n pursue their own goals with firmness.
n feel satisfaction when a job is finished and
off their minds.
n try
to clear up muddles and 'loose ends' and feel irritated by people who do not
share this
n find it easy to set their own standards and
discipline, but hard to understand why others cannot do this.
n put
work before play, so that they may appear rather serious and more conventional
than they
really are.