nfollow the logic of the situation quite
rigorously and forget other people's emotions and responses.
n cope with emotional situations in a way that
appears relatively unskilled and rigid. These areas may seem to them 'black' or 'white', with a
consequent tendency to dogmatic decisions.
nbe unaware of
the strength of their own feelings until they become obsessed with an idea or
a person; or
find themselves responding to emotional issues with an uncharacteristic
n seem on the outside to be dry, materialistic
and untouched by human feelings and values.
nspend little
effort on questioning their own values and beliefs. This confers a great sense
of certainty,
but at the expense of ignorance of alternatives and amazement when others see
things in quite a
different light.
express or share their deepest feelings.
nfind it hard
to take a middle path between extremes of emotional approval or disapproval.
They can make fine
distinctions of logic, but find distinctions in the emotional field much less
n have a capacity for great personal warmth as
well as considerable insensitivity.